Monday, November 16, 2009

High Blood Pressure Drugs Linked To Heart Attacks

About 60% of all the people who have heart attacks have NORMAL blood pressure and the vast majority of these people are taking high blood pressure drugs.

In a recent study in Europe, patients with high blood pressure who did NOTHING at all lived longer and had fewer complications than people who were on HBP medications.

It's only a matter of time before you hear the medical establishment admit they were totally mistaken about heart disease and the dangers of high blood pressure drugs.

There is A LOT of money and even more ego and pride at stake with the present medical model, so don't expect a public apology too soon . . . but it will come.

If you've tried the traditional approach, you've just participated in a massive experiment that failed. Don't feel too bad, you're not alone . . . millions of people have walked down the same path only to find themselves slaves to the drugs that hold them prisoner.

The government keeps lowering the standards and corralling more people into the "high-risk category" for heart disease. In spite of the fact that more high blood pressure drugs are prescribed than ever before, still sudden death is all around us. If fact, heart disease is the #1 cause of death!

Updating high blood pressure guidelines has only ONE goal . . . to sell billions of dollars worth of HBP drugs. Despite the bottom line being that HBP drugs are doing more harm than good.

How many more people do you think will be led down the same dead-end path before they announce that high blood pressure medications are NOT a cure for heart disease and actually increase the risk of sudden heart attack?

It's true your risk of a heart attack may be greater if you have high blood pressure levels, but the cause of heart attack as well as high blood pressure is normally inflammation, NOT a drug deficiency.

Blood pressure elevation is not a disease, it's a symptom, so you first need to find out WHY your blood pressure is high, and when you fix that your HBP will normalized.

For example, if a man had pneumonia and everyone focused on lowering his high temperature by giving him medication to bring his fever down, he's going to eventually die from the untreated pneumonia. Similarly, if you only take drugs to lower high blood pressure, then you're only treating the symptom of a serious underlying problem.

So if high blood pressure doesn't cause heart disease, but harmful drugs can actually increase your risk of having a heart attack and deteriorate your health - Why not help your body maintain normal blood pressure naturally, without doing harm?

HBP drugs chemically interfere with your body's natural healing processes, and allow the root cause of heart disease to take hold and tighten its grip.

Often times you can chemically alter your blood pressure levels down to far, where it becomes "too low" and the doctor switches your prescription again. Next thing you know you're on blood thinners and being told you can't eat green vegetables like broccoli or spinach.

You may already know, if you are taking medication, many healthy foods are suddenly labeled "forbidden foods". Ever wonder why?

Truth is these forbidden foods "naturally" do what the medication is claiming to do. If you eat healthy while taking some of these drugs you may amplify the effect of the medication.

If you would like to see some other intriguing information concerning natural heart health, read my October 2009 blog, "Heart Disease and Stifled Natural Therapies".

If you would like to know more of what should be done to lower your high blood pressure in a natural manner, go to:


  1. Very good article. The mainstream medical establishment is often much to quick to prescribe prescription drugs. Many problem can be avoided with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

  2. Thank you for commenting
    well so do i and it was actually my doctor who pointed me to that, so i asked hime some questions and the result is this hub.
    I want people to be aware of the dangers.
