Sunday, December 13, 2009

Natural Therapy Solutions

If you have been following my blog, you might be aware of my reticence in using pharmaceutical products of any kind. Many of their products have been derived originally from natural products, but necessarily the molecules have to be changed in order for them to be patented to gain the extended period of marketing advantage.

The following are natural therapies I have thus far examined and found to be of economical value and physiologically significant.

Have A Larger Penis

See Better Now

Lower Your Blood Pressure

Stop Your Back Pain

How to Cure My Back Ache

Everyone at one time or the other, have experienced the agony of back pain. Ever since man evolved into a biped from a quadruped and assumed an erect position, extra strain has been put on the skeletal muscular system. In this age of scientific breakthroughs, back pain has remained poorly understood. You must be asking yourself, “How do I cure my back ache?” To answer that question, you must have a basic understanding of the function and construction of your back.

There are a variety of reasons for back pain. By far the most prevalent reasons are those associated with muscular trauma, stress, fatigue and tension. Congenital defects, hormonal changes and referred pain although much less common can contribute to debilitating pain.

Any thinking person recognizes the importance of our back. Why else would our ultimate insult be to call a person “spineless”?

Because of the range of motion and the flexibility requirements, the back has a vulnerability not inflicted on other parts of the body. Most chronic back pain starts with an accidental twisting of the spine or otherwise over use of the associated muscle structure. Once the structure of the back has been so weakened, it becomes progressively easier to incur subsequent injury.

The human body has a natural healing capability. A rather painful episode might repair itself in as little as three to five days. With each subsequent injury, the healing time will be extended and the time between reoccurrence will me reduced. Before you realize what has been happening, your body will have lapsed into a chronic condition. This condition might have come upon you in a relatively short period of time or might have taken decades to manifest itself. In all areas having to do with healing of the body, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Even though the initial episode was only three or four days of pain, a healing regimen applied at that time could have prevented the subsequent painful episodes and would not have needed the increased effort that is required once a chronic condition has been obtained.

The actual spine itself serves three major purposes.

1) It is the supporting structure anchoring the ribs and connecting your head to the pelvis.
2) It is the protective housing for the spinal cord which controls your body’s nervous system.
3) It furnishes your body’s flexibility via it unique construction.

Since assuming an upright position, it is not so much that we humans have failed to evolve to make our backs less of a problem, but rather there is a required vulnerability to furnish these essential characteristics. This vulnerability should dictate our taking precautions to increase care and maintenance of our spine and associated skeletal muscular system. Unfortunately, most of us take our backs for granite until a painful episode requires therapeutic repairs.

Four regions of the spin

1. The cervical spine - seven vertebral bones or vertebrae, the seven cervical vertebrae have a very large range of motion. In addition to supporting the head, they allow the head to move through a large spectrum.

2. The Thoracic or Dorsal spine. (The Mid-Back Region) there are twelve vertebrae in this area. This area is attached to the ribs, making this area relatively immobile.

3) The Lumbar Spine or Lower Back. The majority of the upper body weight is born by these five large vertebrae. This is the area of the spine which is responsible for the ailment known as lumbago.

4) The Sacrum and Coccyx Region. This is the base of the spine. It is a triangular structure attached at the top to the lumbar region and on the side is attached to the pelvis.

Each of these four regions has individual muscles working in a synergistic fashion to facilitate the required large range of motion.

The spinal column itself is comprised of twenty four vertebrae, with each vertebrae separated by a donut shaped disc to allow the flexibility that we so much take for granite.

From this very brief description, it is very evident as to the complexity of the spine. Being so close to our central nervous system and the individual nerves, what might otherwise be a minor injury could disturb nerves in close proximity causing debilitating pain.

There are four major groups of muscles keeping the spinal column in perfect alignment. The basic reason for the highest percentage of back pain is the imbalance of these muscle groups.

These are the four muscle groups

1) The abdominal muscles provide the frontal support by keeping your stomach and anterior areas of your body in line.

2) The extensor muscles of the spine provide posterior support by holding the rear of your torso erect.

3) The lateral muscles provide lateral support and motion.

4) The hip muscles because of their relationship to the pelvis affect the spine.

These muscles must work together in a coordinated fashion to keep the spine in its ideal alignment. Any deviation by these muscles from this perfectly synchronized activity will manifest itself in devastating pain.

The New England Journal of Medicine reports a SHOCKING TRUTH about back conditions. The study goes on to report, “Your back condition and your back pain are not related.”

Two people can have the same back-condition but one will be in excruciating pain and the other will be completely pain-free!

Isn't that amazing? You can have an "incurable" condition like a herniated disc and NOT FEEL ANY PAIN at all.

Your condition isn't necessarily the cause of the pain you feel. The majority of your pain is caused by the tightness and inflammation in your muscles and tissue and by the pressure and pinching of nerves caused by the physical dysfunctions in your body.

Now when you ask yourself, “How do I cure my back ache?”, you will have a better understanding of your probable problem and corrective action.

To alleviate your back pain when all other remedies have failed go to: