Sunday, December 13, 2009

Natural Therapy Solutions

If you have been following my blog, you might be aware of my reticence in using pharmaceutical products of any kind. Many of their products have been derived originally from natural products, but necessarily the molecules have to be changed in order for them to be patented to gain the extended period of marketing advantage.

The following are natural therapies I have thus far examined and found to be of economical value and physiologically significant.

Have A Larger Penis

See Better Now

Lower Your Blood Pressure

Stop Your Back Pain

How to Cure My Back Ache

Everyone at one time or the other, have experienced the agony of back pain. Ever since man evolved into a biped from a quadruped and assumed an erect position, extra strain has been put on the skeletal muscular system. In this age of scientific breakthroughs, back pain has remained poorly understood. You must be asking yourself, “How do I cure my back ache?” To answer that question, you must have a basic understanding of the function and construction of your back.

There are a variety of reasons for back pain. By far the most prevalent reasons are those associated with muscular trauma, stress, fatigue and tension. Congenital defects, hormonal changes and referred pain although much less common can contribute to debilitating pain.

Any thinking person recognizes the importance of our back. Why else would our ultimate insult be to call a person “spineless”?

Because of the range of motion and the flexibility requirements, the back has a vulnerability not inflicted on other parts of the body. Most chronic back pain starts with an accidental twisting of the spine or otherwise over use of the associated muscle structure. Once the structure of the back has been so weakened, it becomes progressively easier to incur subsequent injury.

The human body has a natural healing capability. A rather painful episode might repair itself in as little as three to five days. With each subsequent injury, the healing time will be extended and the time between reoccurrence will me reduced. Before you realize what has been happening, your body will have lapsed into a chronic condition. This condition might have come upon you in a relatively short period of time or might have taken decades to manifest itself. In all areas having to do with healing of the body, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Even though the initial episode was only three or four days of pain, a healing regimen applied at that time could have prevented the subsequent painful episodes and would not have needed the increased effort that is required once a chronic condition has been obtained.

The actual spine itself serves three major purposes.

1) It is the supporting structure anchoring the ribs and connecting your head to the pelvis.
2) It is the protective housing for the spinal cord which controls your body’s nervous system.
3) It furnishes your body’s flexibility via it unique construction.

Since assuming an upright position, it is not so much that we humans have failed to evolve to make our backs less of a problem, but rather there is a required vulnerability to furnish these essential characteristics. This vulnerability should dictate our taking precautions to increase care and maintenance of our spine and associated skeletal muscular system. Unfortunately, most of us take our backs for granite until a painful episode requires therapeutic repairs.

Four regions of the spin

1. The cervical spine - seven vertebral bones or vertebrae, the seven cervical vertebrae have a very large range of motion. In addition to supporting the head, they allow the head to move through a large spectrum.

2. The Thoracic or Dorsal spine. (The Mid-Back Region) there are twelve vertebrae in this area. This area is attached to the ribs, making this area relatively immobile.

3) The Lumbar Spine or Lower Back. The majority of the upper body weight is born by these five large vertebrae. This is the area of the spine which is responsible for the ailment known as lumbago.

4) The Sacrum and Coccyx Region. This is the base of the spine. It is a triangular structure attached at the top to the lumbar region and on the side is attached to the pelvis.

Each of these four regions has individual muscles working in a synergistic fashion to facilitate the required large range of motion.

The spinal column itself is comprised of twenty four vertebrae, with each vertebrae separated by a donut shaped disc to allow the flexibility that we so much take for granite.

From this very brief description, it is very evident as to the complexity of the spine. Being so close to our central nervous system and the individual nerves, what might otherwise be a minor injury could disturb nerves in close proximity causing debilitating pain.

There are four major groups of muscles keeping the spinal column in perfect alignment. The basic reason for the highest percentage of back pain is the imbalance of these muscle groups.

These are the four muscle groups

1) The abdominal muscles provide the frontal support by keeping your stomach and anterior areas of your body in line.

2) The extensor muscles of the spine provide posterior support by holding the rear of your torso erect.

3) The lateral muscles provide lateral support and motion.

4) The hip muscles because of their relationship to the pelvis affect the spine.

These muscles must work together in a coordinated fashion to keep the spine in its ideal alignment. Any deviation by these muscles from this perfectly synchronized activity will manifest itself in devastating pain.

The New England Journal of Medicine reports a SHOCKING TRUTH about back conditions. The study goes on to report, “Your back condition and your back pain are not related.”

Two people can have the same back-condition but one will be in excruciating pain and the other will be completely pain-free!

Isn't that amazing? You can have an "incurable" condition like a herniated disc and NOT FEEL ANY PAIN at all.

Your condition isn't necessarily the cause of the pain you feel. The majority of your pain is caused by the tightness and inflammation in your muscles and tissue and by the pressure and pinching of nerves caused by the physical dysfunctions in your body.

Now when you ask yourself, “How do I cure my back ache?”, you will have a better understanding of your probable problem and corrective action.

To alleviate your back pain when all other remedies have failed go to:

Monday, November 16, 2009

High Blood Pressure Drugs Linked To Heart Attacks

About 60% of all the people who have heart attacks have NORMAL blood pressure and the vast majority of these people are taking high blood pressure drugs.

In a recent study in Europe, patients with high blood pressure who did NOTHING at all lived longer and had fewer complications than people who were on HBP medications.

It's only a matter of time before you hear the medical establishment admit they were totally mistaken about heart disease and the dangers of high blood pressure drugs.

There is A LOT of money and even more ego and pride at stake with the present medical model, so don't expect a public apology too soon . . . but it will come.

If you've tried the traditional approach, you've just participated in a massive experiment that failed. Don't feel too bad, you're not alone . . . millions of people have walked down the same path only to find themselves slaves to the drugs that hold them prisoner.

The government keeps lowering the standards and corralling more people into the "high-risk category" for heart disease. In spite of the fact that more high blood pressure drugs are prescribed than ever before, still sudden death is all around us. If fact, heart disease is the #1 cause of death!

Updating high blood pressure guidelines has only ONE goal . . . to sell billions of dollars worth of HBP drugs. Despite the bottom line being that HBP drugs are doing more harm than good.

How many more people do you think will be led down the same dead-end path before they announce that high blood pressure medications are NOT a cure for heart disease and actually increase the risk of sudden heart attack?

It's true your risk of a heart attack may be greater if you have high blood pressure levels, but the cause of heart attack as well as high blood pressure is normally inflammation, NOT a drug deficiency.

Blood pressure elevation is not a disease, it's a symptom, so you first need to find out WHY your blood pressure is high, and when you fix that your HBP will normalized.

For example, if a man had pneumonia and everyone focused on lowering his high temperature by giving him medication to bring his fever down, he's going to eventually die from the untreated pneumonia. Similarly, if you only take drugs to lower high blood pressure, then you're only treating the symptom of a serious underlying problem.

So if high blood pressure doesn't cause heart disease, but harmful drugs can actually increase your risk of having a heart attack and deteriorate your health - Why not help your body maintain normal blood pressure naturally, without doing harm?

HBP drugs chemically interfere with your body's natural healing processes, and allow the root cause of heart disease to take hold and tighten its grip.

Often times you can chemically alter your blood pressure levels down to far, where it becomes "too low" and the doctor switches your prescription again. Next thing you know you're on blood thinners and being told you can't eat green vegetables like broccoli or spinach.

You may already know, if you are taking medication, many healthy foods are suddenly labeled "forbidden foods". Ever wonder why?

Truth is these forbidden foods "naturally" do what the medication is claiming to do. If you eat healthy while taking some of these drugs you may amplify the effect of the medication.

If you would like to see some other intriguing information concerning natural heart health, read my October 2009 blog, "Heart Disease and Stifled Natural Therapies".

If you would like to know more of what should be done to lower your high blood pressure in a natural manner, go to:

Could Millions Be Mistreated As Hypertensive?

In my last post about High Blood Pressure, point out your High Blood Pressure Isn't The Cause Of Heart Disease. I also mentioned the fact that half of heart attacks happen to people without clinically High Blood Pressure. The other half of course, happens to people with hypertension.

Having hypertension is definitely a tell-tale "sign" you are in a high risk category. My whole point is that heart disease is NOT caused by hypertension.

Still too many of us are under the false impression that treating the symptoms is the same as treating the cause.

The reasons for High Blood Pressure can be many and it is clearly not good to have sustained high levels of blood pressure. If you are suffering from the onset of heart disease HBP will kill you even quicker.

It is vital to keep it under control, but how can you do this naturally?
What is causing heart disease and can you address the cause of it while also reducing the risk of developing hypertension? Just because your blood pressure reading was high in your doctors office today doesn't mean you have to take drugs for HBP at all.

In fact many people are misdiagnosed with HBP because of White Coat Hypertension. This common phenomenon is triggered by psychological factors, such as the fear of doctors.

Another common problem is doctors and nurses often use an arm cuff that is too small, giving the false impression you have a blood pressure problem. "A survey showed that 96% of primary care physicians habitually use a cuff size too small," (Thomas G Pickering, 1994).

My point is to discover how to "genuinely care" for your own health, before you take someone else's recommendations, doctor or not.

Most people who develop heart disease have common factors that are present before hypertension becomes apparent. The basic problem of course is inflammation.

Here are 7 possible causes of the inflammation problem:

1. Dehydration
2. High calcium blood levels
3. Low vitamin D
4. Calcification of arterial linings
5. Magnesium deficiency
6. Neurogenic abnormalities
7. High blood sugar

No where in all the evidence-based research available can I find where a drug deficiency is the cause of hypertension or heart disease. If taking drugs was the solution no one would have a heart attack while taking the drugs. My biggest concern is why are people with normal blood pressure having heart attacks? The pharmaceutical companies would have you believe they all have high blood pressure and that's just not true.

I realize any study can be skewed to show a desired result and I'm sure in some groups more than 50% who have heart attacks have HBP. But I also know the opposite to be true as well.

Bottom line is rather than argue statistics; people are dying with and without High Blood Pressure from the same heart attacks. If you are clinically diagnosed with hypertension, you need to work with your doctor to keep a watchful eye on it . . . however there are more things you need to do.

Just because the High Blood Pressure drugs you're taking has your blood pressure controlled chemically, doesn't necessarily mean the causal risks are gone. There is no magic pill that is going to cure you by treating "the effect," or "symptom," of a core health issue.

High blood pressure is one of the signs that you may be at risk for heart attack or stroke, there is no doubt about that. If your heart is weakened and your arteries are damaged you need to know why.

By understanding why, you are a whole step ahead of western medicine. There is a self-health revolution happening with both doctors and patients in the world today. The body has a natural ability to "heal itself," without drugs. Some call it an inner wisdom, or innate intelligence, all you need to do is work with it.

Drugs do not work with the mystery that is your body; they chemically control parts without helping the whole person at all.

For some intriguing information on heart disease, read my October blog, "Heart Disease and Stifled Natural Therapies"

So if you are on High Blood Pressure medications ask your doctor if he or she can help you get away from them. If you are willing to change your life by making a commitment to natural healthful solutions, why shouldn't you be encouraged?

For more information on how to lower your high blood pressure, go to:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Should I Increase My Penis Size?

The average penis size has been debated since before the advent of recorded history. What cannot be debated is the fascination all civilizations have had with the size of the penis.

The past and current wisdom has been that if you were a looser in the genetic gene pool lottery, nothing could be done about changing its size in any regard.

Although this has been recently shown to be quite false, if we felt nothing can be done, it might explain a number of reports that proclaim a small penis can satisfy ones' sexual partner as well as a larger penis.

When the female is polled on an anonymous basis, 70% to 80% express their preference for having a sexual partner with a large penis.

A recent poll on the internet underscores this fact.

Although much has been written that a small penis is of little consequence, the male intuitively knows this not to be the case. Just as cave drawings in prehistoric times indicated the desirability of a large penis, so too has this been recognized by the modern male.

For men, when disrobing in a public setting, a small penis can be somewhat of an embarrassment. This continuous type of embarrassment can lead to a lack of confidence in sexual encounters.

As shown on the Mr. Poll website, a sexual partner will experience less stimulation and a reduced amount of intensity during the orgasm.

Is it any wonder that the size of a males' penis can mean so much in confidence and enjoyment. The confidence of a man having a large penis can be read in the male's face and the manor in which he carries himself. There are women who claim to be able to tell a man's sexual prowess by simply looking into his face. When people talk about the "measure of the man", could they be possibly talking about the size of his penis?

In the Mr. Poll website, the anonymous poll definitely indicates that "bigger is better".

The average size of the erect penis is 5-3/4". The average girth is 5". Anyone who wants to be average, please raise your hand. If someone has a 7" penis, he is still going to want a bigger penis in both length and girth for the simple fact it will furnish more pleasure to his sexual partners and therefore make him more desirable.

We have determined that a male is going to have an intuitive desire to have a larger penis, regardless of his present size. Anything that is so universally sought after as increased penis size, is going to generate a number of possible solutions in the marketplace.

Mechanical devices, medical procedures, topical creams, natural supplements, and even vacuum pumps are some of these offered solutions. The market's solutions at best, are simply ineffective, and at worst can be down right dangerous.

What if there was a group of time tested exercises that have been used for most of recorded history and past down generation to generation that could substantially increase penis size? What if recent scientific studies had shown these exercises called "jelqing" to be 87% effective? Well, there is such a set of exercises and there is a recent study showing the exercises effectiveness.

In the late 1970's Dr Brian Richards in the United Kingdom did a most comprehensive research study into the effectiveness of jelqing. His research was accepted for publication by the British Journal of Sexual Medicine and showed positive results for 87 percent of the test group. The results from his study showed an increase in penis length of up to 1.4 inches and an increase in penis girth of up to 1 inch in a matter of weeks. After a year, gains of several inches in length were not uncommon.

With the subsequent scientific improvements in the exercise techniques since the late 1970's, these penis exercises are now experiencing a 98+% satisfaction rate.

Just as when you exercise your body, you add to your overall well being, jelqing exercise for penis enlargement adds to your overall sexual health.

Aside from the expected penis enlargement, the jelqing exercise generates added benefits beyond any other methods of penis enlargement. Ejaculation in both timing and intensity are enhanced, the angle and quality of the erection is increased, and erectile dysfunction is improved, just to mention a few of the health benefits.

To learn more about the other added health benefits of jelqing go to our website at:

Penis Size Information

You really do have something to gain.

Friday, November 6, 2009

More Penis Size Information

Since before recorded history, as discovered in cave dwelling paintings, the human race has been fascinated with the males’ penis size. There, has been and continues to be, an intuitive desire by the male of our species to have a larger penis. As civilization progressed, certain societies developed exercises that would increase the penis size and girth. These exercises were passed down from generation to generation.

Because the modern wisdom is that the size of the male penis is determined by the genetic gene pool lottery and that nothing can be done about it in any regard, there has been a rationalization that the size of the penis is of little consequence and that the techniques of sexual intercourse are of primary concern.

This, on its face, appears to be somewhat hollow. The length of the penis can provide added stimulation as well as increased efficiency of impregnation. The larger girth will generate increased clitoral stimulation, magnifying the intensity of the female orgasm. These types of benefits might very well tie into nature’s design of the survival of the species.

This historical desire to increase penis size may be a need that far exceeds the egotistical desire to be admired by other males and the animalistic craving to be desired by ones' sexual partner. It would appear that no matter what the size of the individual males’ penis, there will be an innate craving for a larger penis.

Whether increased penis size is a need or a want, it certainly is something that is universally desired. With such a huge world wide demand, the marketplace has offered a variety of solutions. These offered solutions would include mechanical stretching devices, vacuum pumps, medical procedures, creams, and supplements. These methods run from simply being ineffective to being down right dangerous.

Historically the traditional exercises, known as jelqing, are not only the most effective, they are the safest, most pleasurable and the least expensive penis enlargement technique.

As is so often the case, our historical ancestors’ knew what they were doing. Jelqing excises have in the late 1970’s been scientifically proven to be quite effective. In addition, just as exercise is good for the body, jelqing turns out to enhance sexual health.

Consider These Added Benefits When Using Penis Enlargement Exercises!

Get More Powerful erections - Develop 'rock hard' erections, each and every time no matter your age!

Cure and prevent impotence - Temporary impotence will be a thing of the past!

Have multiple orgasms - Learn the sex secrets of the PC muscle and have sex for hours ejaculating many times.

End premature ejaculation - Have sex for as long as you want, and satisfy her fully!

Ejaculate further - Fire off like a cannon!

Correct curvature - The end of banana man days!

Increased sexual stamina - Go for longer, stronger and YOU decide when you ejaculate.

The utilization of this program could add years to your life and certainly will add life to your years.

Sexual activity is such an integral part of the human psyche, the males’ subconscious confidence level can be negatively affected. Multiple defeats can manifest themselves with a downcast stare, slumped shoulders and a slovenly gate; the typical picture of the non-confident male. Many women claim to tell the level of a males’ sexual prowess simply by looking into his face.

If your penis size and sexual health are not what you might desire, there is some good news and some better news.


Contrary to what you have been told all of your life, there is something that can be done about penis size. Science has proven the traditional jelqing exercise is an effective all natural method to increase penis size.


This natural jelqing exercise to increase penis size will also increases the overall health of the male sexual organs. No other penis enlargement method can so completely add to your sexual well being. The same exercises that increases the length and girth of the penis increases the quality of the erection as well as added control and intensity of the male orgasm. If a sexual dysfunction problem is not of a substantial nature, these exercises might be just what you are looking for.

To find out more about these exercises, go to the following web page:

Penis size Information

You really do have something to gain.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Heart Disease and Stifled Natural Therapies

In our initial blog, we espoused how the existing pharmaceutical industry has stifled proven natural remedies. Today, 1/6 of our GDP is spent on health care. With trillions of dollars at stake, the situation is becoming more of a disgrace.

Before the pharmaceutical companies were allowed to advertise, you could pick up a copy of the Readers Digest and read an article on the anti aging effects of L-Carnitine. Reader's Digest is now riddled with pharmaceutical ads and is heavily dependent the generate revenue. Today you will never see an article about natural therapies.

Very few of our Congressmen and Senators have maintained an independence from the pharmaceutical political donations. There are roughly 30 lobbyists for every congressman and senator in Washington or roughly 17,000. A major share of these lobbyist are associated with the pharmaceutical industry. Their donations in 2008 approached $30,000,000. With the hundreds of billions of dollars involved in the heart health care industry, such as bypass, stents, drug to lower blood pressure, and cholesterol medications, any low cost natural therapy is immediately stifled. Such natural therapies such as chelation, vitamin E and vitamin C supplementation, policosanol, natural methods to low blood pressure, and Red Yeast Rice are presented with insurmountable obstacles. Chelation is the only know method of treating lead poisoning. Someone that has lead poisoning and also has angina or other circulatory heart symptoms, and is given chelation therapy, experience a reduction in their associated heart symptoms.

Should a doctor advertise chelation for treatment of heart problems, his practice will be closed. A very useful therapy, once again, has been stifled.

In 1998, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) pursued the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), an organization that promotes "complementary, alternative and integrative medicine" over their advertising of EDTA chelation therapy. The ACAM claims included "Chelation therapy is a safe, effective and relatively inexpensive treatment to restore blood flow in victims of atherosclerosis without surgery." The FTC found that "scientific studies have not been done to prove that EDTA chelation therapy is an effective treatment for atherosclerosis.” The studies to adequately prove these claims would cost millions of dollars, and without these studies the statements by the ACAM were false. The fact that lead poisoning victim often were relieved of their angina was considered not to be significant by the FTC. In 1999, to avoid the cost of the legal proceedings, the ACAM agreed to stop the so called claimed “misrepresentation” of chelation therapy as effective in treating heart disease.

We will never know what pressure or influence was brought to bear on the FTC to pursue this action. If I ever suffer from angina, I will want to be treated for lead poisoning. We only know that another inexpensive therapy has been stifled. "In the 1950s the Schute brothers (Two Canadian practicing cardiologist) presented a report indicating vitamin E worked to prevent heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. Their work was published in Canada, but was refused by the medical journals here in the United States. A few years ago, the Harvard School of Public Health demonstrated that just 100 units of vitamin E per day decreased the heart associated death rate by 40 percent. Without even considering the huge excess cost of the various conventional therapies, how many millions of lives might have been extended and how much heart ache could have been prevented in the intervening 50 years? The debate over Vitamin C supplementation for heart health is worthy of discussion because it is indicative of the larger debate over nutritional supplementation. On one side was Professor Linus Pauling, the only person ever to receive two Nobel Prizes. The first was for Chemistry in 1954 and the second was the Peace Prize in 1962 (He also received the presidential Medal of Merit in 1947 from Truman).

He was a humanitarian and social activist who wanted his work to “minimize human suffering”. He wrote The Nature of the Chemical Bond in 1939. This was the most influential book on chemistry since Lavoisier’s Elementary Treatise of Chemistry in 1789. Pauling’s work also included "Vitamin C and the Common Cold", and "How to Live Longer and Feel Better". In 1991, Pauling and Mathais Rath, M.D. coauthored an article titled, “Solution to the Puzzle of Human Cardiovascular Disease: Its Primary Cause is Ascorbate Deficiency, Leading to the Deposition of Lipoprotein(a) and Fibrogen/Fibrin in the Vascular Wall.” The technical name for vitamin C is ascorbic acid or ascorbate. Pauling and Rath continued their work and went to actually be awarded a patent for preventing and reversing heart disease.

Naturally this work was published in the JAMA but no one dares to run test to see the validity of their findings, less their private or government research funding be reduced. After all, how much money could be made by prescribing the use of 2000 milligrams daily of vitamin C and the use of lysine or l-proline to totally stop and even reverse the progression of arterial sclerosis? Shifting gears into the statins or cholesterol medications, (which is now over 15 billion dollars in sales), we have several more outrages that need to be addressed.

Red Yeast Rice has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. Most of the pharmaceuticals in use today have been derived from natural products. The pharmaceutical companies cannot patent a natural product and have to change the molecule so that a patent can be issued. When they do this, they create a molecule that the human body does not know how to handle. The end result is the side effects that are so common when taking a pharmaceutical drug.

The problem is that the primary ingredient in Red Yeast Rice, lovastatin, is also the active pharmaceutical ingredient in prescription drugs for high cholesterol such as Mevacor. In fact, lovastatin was originally derived from another type of red yeast called Monascus ruber. In the wisdom of the FDA, upon this discovery, they immediately required that Red Yeast Rice be removed from the consumer sales.

The FDA had received many millions of dollars in running the double blind cross over studies for Mevacor and they needed to protect one of their pharmaceutical customers whose industry provides ¾ of their operational budget. To add further insult to injury, the pharmaceutical firm knew that the lovastatin not only works in the liver to reduce cholesterol, but through the same mechanism reduces COQ10. Without additional supplemental quantities of this nutritional supplement, a user of this product will experience the common statin side effect of muscle pain. When they originally patented the medication, they added COQ10, but decided to leave it out of their product. They probably had another drug in mind to eliminate the side effect. The High Blood Pressure medications are another example of the pharmaceutical industry promoting drugs for financial gains while delivering very minimal medical benefits. For natural ways to lower blood pressure go to:

Lower Your Blood Pressure

You might enjoy readying my blog of November 16, 2009 in regard to High Blood Pressure medications.With the tremendous expenditures for the country’s huge health care cost, hundreds of billions of dollars could be saved by utilizing inexpensive effective natural therapies. The above examples simply point out the potential savings in the heart health care. Other such examples exist in almost every other area of health care. The cost of these collaborating studies proving the validity of the individual therapies should be paid by the government. The total operational cost of the FDA should also be paid by the government to maintain the FDA’s objectivity.

The lobbying and advertising efforts of the pharmaceutical industry need to be curtailed. If we could ad to this effort Tort Reform, and reduce the doctors’ $10,000to $20,000 month malpractice insurance, we might have an affordable Universal Health Care.


1) The average sized penis is 6.5" in length and 5.0” girth. How do you measure up? And do you really want to be just average?

2) 75% of women say they would like their partner to have a larger penis! The other 25% are probably lying! Size does matter!

3) Most men cannot have full sex for more than 3 minutes without ejaculating... Do you think that is long enough to truly satisfy your partner? NO!

4) Almost half of women fake their orgasm most of the time! Are you truly making your partner happy or has she given up and is trying to make you happy?

5) According to the NEW Durex Global Sex Survey, most women would rather go out with friends than have sex! I wonder why!

6) 6 out of 10 long-term relationship breakups report that sexual problems were a major contributory factor!

7) Over 100 million men suffer from impotence at some time in their lives! This detracts from quality of life, personal confidence, and overall happiness.

8) 95% of men can't ejaculate further than 6 inches! This minimizes the intensity of the orgasm.

9) More than half of men have an unwanted slight curvature of the penis that can be solved!

When you examine these statements you can readily see, anyone wishing to truly fulfill the sexual needs of their existing partner or attract the most desirable future partner you will need to deal with at least some of the above problems. When any of these situations are not adequately addressed, sexual activity is such an integral part of the human psyche, the males’ subconscious confidence level is negatively affected. A male’s multiple defeats can eventually cause a downcast stare, slumped shoulders and a slovenly gate; the typical picture of the non-confident male. Many women can tell the level of a males’ prowess simply by looking into his face. If your penis is not the size and firmness you might desire, there is some good news and some better news.


Contrary to what you have been told all of your life, the good news is there is something that can be done about penis size. It just doesn’t make sense that you can go to the gym and increase the size of your biceps and not be able to do anything about penis size. Science has developed an all natural proven exercise method to increase penis size.


This natural exercise method that has been developed to increase penis size will also increases the overall health of the male sexual organs. The same exercises that increases the length and girth of the penis increases the firmness of the erection as well as added control and intensity of the male orgasm. If a sexual dysfunction problem is not of a substantial physical problem, these exercises might be just what you are looking for.

With a 99.8% satisfaction rate, this very enjoyable exercise program comes with an eight week money back guaranty. Aside from the 1” to 4” increase in penis length (and proportional girth), our clients report an increased level of confidence, an ability to repeatedly satisfy their partners, increased sexual stamina and generate more intense orgasms in both themselves and their partners.

Stop your suffering. For a FREE REPORT send an email to

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Before anyone would even care to pursue the Anti Aging Revolution, there needs to be a joy in your life. Whether you obtain that joy with a life's philosophy or being a practicing Christian is not relevant to our discussion.

If you wake up at 6:00am and are anxious to get your day started so you might experience the joys and disappointments of the day, you will probably have an interest and a motivation to look into the evolving science of anti aging.

What if you could live to the age of 100 in as healthy and vigorous condition as you are right now? Or if you are already suffering the ill effects of aging, you could turn back the clock twenty years and stay that way until the century mark?

And what if the extra thirty years added to your life span allowed you to live long enough to take advantage of the new scientific breakthroughs so that you healthy functional life span could be extended to 120 or 130 years and beyond?


Dr. Rudman’s made his initial study, published on July 5, 1990, in the
New England Journal of Medicine. He compared the effects of six months’ of HGH injections on 12 men, ages 61 to 81, with an age-matched control group.

The results made headlines all over the world.

The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ANTI-AGING MEDICINE, with then 5000 members, stated the body’s reduced production of human growth hormone (hGh) is a primary cause of aging.

Those taking the hormone injections gained an average of 8.8% in lean body mass and lost 14% in fat, without exercise or diets.

Since that time, tens of thousands of independent studies in the world medical literature have documented the age reversing benefits of HGH therapy with no adverse side effects. With over 40 years of experience, HGH was approved by the FDA in 1996 for use by HGH deficient adults. Each new study seems to add to the benefits achieved; reduced body fat, increased muscle mass, higher energy levels, enhanced sexual performance, re-growth of vital organs, restoration of youthful immune function, stronger bones, smoother and firmer skin, re-growth of hair, sharper vision, elevated mood and improved cognition.

Aging can now be considered a disease and not just a normal occurrence that must go unchecked. Growth Hormone (GH) replacement therapy is being used to control age-related growth hormone decline. Growth Hormone (GH) is naturally produced by the pituitary gland in abundance when we are young. Its production gradually declines as we age. GH replacement is important for a number of reasons. In older individuals, it can slow down and in many cases reverse the aging process.

The benefit of HGH therapy is no longer in question. Until recently, because of the size of the HGH molecule, these benefits could only be achieved by direct injection. If taken orally, the HGH molecule was destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. Anti Aging clinics charged from $700 to $1000 per month for the injection therapy, making it only a viable option for the wealthy.

Can one imagine the amount of effort that is being made to stifle this information? The Pharmaceutical industry has billions of dollars at stake in a variety of drugs presently being sold. The Government, already nearly bankrupt in Medicare, and wanting to offer end of life counseling, is loath to think of the boomers living an extra twenty or thirty years. Any thinking person must realize that they will need to think for themselves and do their own research concerning these particular types of therapies.

In future blogging, we are going to want to discuss inexpensive ways for the normal person to experience many of HGH's benefits.

HGH is simply one of a number of natural therapies that is being stifled by powerful competitive forces. We are going to want to be discussing a variety of natural therapies. A few of these therapies are, penis enlargement, blood pressure control, eye exercises, the heart, diabetes, acid reflex, and prostate problems. I will try to leave reference material when available.